Monday, November 12, 2007

Wedding Cake

Ok, my friend is getting married this Sat. I've offered her my blessing by baking her a wedding cake, 2-tier. First time doing it, so am getting real excited about it.

I've baked the cakes ready and stored in the freezer, so that I won't have to bake n deco at the same time within a day (I don't have much time for that :P) Sad thing was, my fren asked if I can make her chocolate cake, but due to some reason, the chocolate cake fails and now I got to present her with vanilla butter cake. Sorry friend. :P

Next, I'm going to get ready the centre piece, a heart-shaped sugar craft with hers and his initial on it. My plan for her cake is a 2-tier cake, covered with fondant (maybe white or light blue), topped with that heart-shaped sugarcraft with drape at the side of the cake. Haha, that was my planned. Now, I see what I can do, cos I'm scare I can't do the drape properly. We shall see how the final piece will look like. :)

To be continued..........

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